Friday, May 3, 2013

Mexico Week- April 29th, 2013

Mexico Week- April 29th, 2013

Cinco de Mayo

Cinco de Mayo is a day for Mexicans to celebrate the victory over the French at the battle of Pueblo on May 5, 1862. Many people in the United States of America commonly mistake Cinco de Mayo with the Mexican Independence Day. For many Americans of Mexican ancestry, this day has become a day to celebrate their Mexican heritage, pride and culture.
 Tiny sure did show that sombrero, it didn't stand a chance :o)

This Week

Monday: Bean Maraca Shakers


Tuesday: Bean Sorting, Discovering Cactus

Wednesday: Cactus Crayon Art
Thursday: Making a Piñata, Warm day water play

Friday: Bean Art, Hide and seek in Spanish



Mariachi Sounds



Flores de Lloronas y Guittara Ivan Olivares



Count in Spanish instead of English. (See below Spanish 1-10 numbers) "Here I come!" can also be said in Spanish "Ya me voy!"

'Hide and Seek' played in Mexico is called 'ESCONDIDA'

For Fun


Spanish - English
uno -- one
dos -- two
tres -- three
cuatro -- four
cinco -- five
seis -- six
siete -- seven
ocho -- eight
nueve -- nine
diez -- ten

Greeting & Etiquette

•Hello / Hi!-¡Hola!

•Good day-Buenos diás

•Good evening-Buenos tardes

•Good night-Buenos noches

•Good bye-Adiós

•See you soon-Hasta luego

 •Please-Por favor

•Thank you (very much)-(Muchas)Gracias

•Excuse me-¡Perdone!

•I'm sorry-Lo siento

 Arts & Crafts


1. Have kids paint their paper plates (eating-side down) any color and design they choose. The brighter the better!
2. Once paint is dry, fill one paper plate with dried beans, popcorn kernels, or anything that will make noise.
3. Glue the paper plates together...and shake!
Optional: glue or staple long crepe paper streamers if desired.


2 cups flour
3 cups water
1 balloon
Newspaper strips
Paint, crayons, or markers
Tissue paper (optional)
Colored crepe paper & String



1. Blow up a large balloon and tie the end securely.

2. Mix flour and water together until it makes a smooth paste.

3. Cut newspaper into long 1 inch thick strips and dip into the flour and water mixture, creating paper Mache strips.

4. Carefully place the strips of newspaper on the balloon in a single layer, patting the paper smooth until the balloon is covered, leaving only a hole at the top large enough for candy. Set aside and allow the balloon to dry completely overnight.

5. Place another layer of newspaper strips dipped in the mixture over the balloon and let that dry. Repeat with yet one more layer, making sure you leave the hole at the top. When completely dry, pop the balloon, and remove any balloon bits that remain.

6. Use wadded paper, lightweight wire shapes or smaller paper Maché covered balloons to create noses, ears, arms, legs or other details to make
your piñata into the shape you want.

7. Paint your piñata, or cover it with layers of bright tissue paper in colors to match your party theme.

8. If desired, hang colored crepe paper from the sides and bottom.

9. Punch 2 small holes in the top near the opening and string a large piece of string through the two holes.

10. Fill your piñata (through the hole you left at the top) with candy, toys, or any other fun surprises. Mix the treats with strips of newspaper or small wads of tissue paper to keep the treats spread throughout the piñata.

11. Tie your completed piñata in the air with the string and have fun!


Supplies: Variety of dried beans, heavy construction paper or card stock, thick tempera paints, shallow dishes, spoons, shallow boxes/containers

1. Give children construction paper/card stock and several colors of thick tempra paint in shallow dishes.
2. Place the paper in a shallow box- then dip the beans in the chosen paint color and use a spoon to scoop it out. Place beans on the paper.
3. Hold the box tilting it back and forth as the beans move across. When there is no more paint, dip the beans again or get a scoop of beans in a different color.

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